Tourists on Tresco

22d May 2016

Sunny today but windy and chilly. This campsite has lots of birds, and they clearly make a living from campers. A large gull and a family of blackbirds stole a box of 6 eggs, we returned to find just the shells… Sparrows blackbirds and even thrushes come to see what might be on offer, here is a very handsome character cosying up to Martin!


Blackbird eying up Martin’s muesli

We couldn’t come to the Scillies without being tourists. We went to Tresco today, beautiful gardens and coastline. Castles from the civil war with graffiti from Cromwell’s forces still clearly visible in the cement rendering. Red squirrels. The whole island is like an enormous garden, lovingly looked after .


Red Squirrel in the Abbey Gardens









Cromwell’s Castle.








We go to St Agnes tomorrow, the most southerly inhabited British Island (we are not counting the Channel islands, separate administration) We can’t take the bikes there, the boat is too small so we will walk the 2 miles to the southerly tip with our banner.