Off to the Scillies


Drizzle on the way to catch the ferry in Penzance

Early start this morning from Penzance youth hostel. .(no we don’t think we are either but we weren’t the oldest there by a long way )

Luckily the early start to catch the ferry to the Scilly Isles precluded the good value YHA breakfast including a full English (more of that later), heavy rain eased off to drizzle and mist as we set off.

We were somewhat surprised that the  Scillonian ferry was smaller than we imagined, no cars just passengers and our bikes loaded into a container and lifted aboard by crane. We were told that the Scillonian has to be very shallow draught and has no stabilisers due to the shallow waters when arriving in the Scillies, also that because of this it is notorious for the corkscrew motion it acquires in heavy seas (you can see where this is going)

So we set off on the three hour trip and soon there were lots of pale looking people with their little white bags all over the ship. Gayle was particularly impressed by a lady in the loos with serious sounding neurological symptoms, unable to feel her legs – but the pragmatic crew member announced that it was clearly just sea sickness and was clearly correct as she walked off unaided onto the Scillies.


Green passengers on the ferry

Suffice it to say that Martins bacon sandwich was somewhat wasted , Gayle looked smug having sensibly taken a tablet, but on arriving in the Scillies the sun came out, we cycled to the idylic Garrison campsite and then around the island (St Marys), visiting an iron age village and neolithic tomb- stunningly beatiful positions


Garrison campsite, St Marys


Scillonian returning to Penzance in better weather