Getting close

On Wednesday  a photographer came to take some photos for a short piece in the Derbyshire times- really helpful
As we were out with our new banner we took some pictures as well
We are hoping for a piece in the local S40 magazine as well, the editor Paul has been very helpful

Celebrity (???) shot for the media

Celebrity (???) shot for the media

We have been sorting out work and other things to free up time for our trip so have been pretty busy, the cycling preparation has suffered but we had a trip out with the Spire club yesterday going to Buxton. 55 miles felt fairly tiring even without luggage but then the Peak District is pretty hilly. Anyway we had a great day with good company (and the first ice cream of the year)

We have started letting people know about the trip and we have already have had some donations , people have been very generous and we are really touched. We weren’t sure how many people were aware of the work of MSF but so many people have told us how in awe they are of the bravery of the MSF staff working in war zones- not just doctors but also nurses, other health professionals and also engineers and logisticians.
Gayle walked down Chatsworth Road today asking shops if they would take a flyer to put up, we rather expected that only a few people would but in fact virtually everyone did, particularly because Ashgate Hospice is so well known for the work that they do in Chesterfield